The United Way of Onslow County raises money to support programs and services at 12 local Community Partners that positively affect the most pressing issues in our communities through 18 programs.  The Community Partners complete a grant application requesting funding for specific programs around Education, Health and Financial Stability.  A total of $200,000 was awarded to our Onslow County community agencies.
United Way of Onslow County chairs the Onslow Strong Disaster Recover Alliance.  Its mission is to support Onslow County residents before, during and after a disaster strikes.  This year we have supported hundreds of Onslow County residents with recovery efforts from Hurricane Florence.
United Way of Onslow County manages Volunteer Onslow, the Jacksonville-Onslow Volunteer & Nonprofit Resource Center. We had 9,026 volunteers supporting the efforts of 119 agencies totaling 106,588 volunteer hours resulting in $1.3M in sweat equity for Onslow County.
Get Help! 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember and universally recognizable telephone number that connects people in need with information and assistance through referral to community services and providers. Available 24-hours per day/ 365 days per year, United Way of Onslow County’s NC 2-1-1 call volume averages 370+ calls per month, plus the United Way of Onslow County office directly receives additional resource calls.
The CHEW! Program assists children in our community by providing backpacks filled with child-friendly, easy to prepare meals over the weekend. In the 2020-2021 school year, 34 Onslow County Schools participated in the CHEW! Program serving 855 children each weekend and distributing 23,961 bags, totaling 143,766 meals to our food insure children.
Each August, United Way of Onslow County holds a Stuff the Bus campaign to collect school supplies for Onslow County Schools Social Workers. The Social Workers distribute the school supplies to the neediest children in the school districts. Over 15,000 school supplies were distributed to Onslow County School Social Workers through our Stuff the Bus campaign.