Grant Application

United Way has evolved from its roots as a fundraising organization to a critical community convener by mobilizing the community to identify underlying conditions while bringing people and organizations together to create collective impact. United Way continually seeks to facilitate a shared community vision and coordinate action across a diverse coalition which produces measured results by sustained efforts.

This grant cycle is for our fiscal year July 1st, 2025 to June 30th, 2026. Please read carefully below as United Way has made changes to the current grant program. 

Grant Applications Open February 3rd, 2025. 

We have broken down our grants into two separate applications. This is to focus our monies on the most crucial needs of our community for the upcoming year while also customizing the application for the specific award amounts. 

Our Focused Community Investment Grant allows applicants to apply for $10,000.00 - $25,000.00 but must meet the following three focus areas. 

Affordable Housing: Safe and affordable housing (including home ownership) - permanent housing solutions from short-term crisis assistance all the way to home ownership, which is a critical strategy for building the wealth and assets needed for ending generational poverty. 

Education: Changing the trajectory of an individual's path. Education is crucial to improving the social mobility of Onslow County's most vulnerable children and families. We want to invest in their access back to the path to success and empower heads of households to achieve their goals. United Way's focus is to support resources on education and career development at key transition points in this journey for children and adults. 

Financial Stability: Moving an individual forward out of poverty, onto a path toward financial empowerment and economic mobility. Focus to provide access to services, job training, job coaching, credit counseling, and money management programs. 


The Community Investment Support Grant allows applicants to apply for $2,501.00 - $7,500.00 Grant funding is available to providers of health and human services which fall within three focus impact areas: Health, Education, and Financial Stability.


As always, funding remains extremely competitive, and applicants are encouraged to make requests for critical program service needs.  Programs awarded a one-year community investment grant will receive awards over a ten-month funding period beginning mid-September through mid-June.

Annual investment program grants are based on program effectiveness, organizational capacity, collaboration, and the ability to meet United Way’s recommendations and reporting requirements. Ultimately, dollars available for investment grants are determined by contributions that donors make to the general, undesignated fund. Contributions designated for a specific agency will continue to be honored.

As an additional avenue for United Way of Onslow County to expand our ability to further assist our community, we are now accepting SPONSORSHIP REQUESTS each fiscal year up to $2,500.00. You may apply at any time as the sponsorship request form will remain open. This is a great opportunity for new organizations who are not yet applicable to apply for the Community Investment Grants or for organizations who only seek a limited amount of funding for specific programs, initiatives, or events. We encourage all Non-Profits, Civic, and Faith-based organizations to apply; however, each organization is allowed to apply only once per fiscal year. Funding is limited to monies available. You can click the link above to view the request or by going through our main page. 

View our Instructions Video

(the video is to assist with how to log in, please note that the form may look differently as the application process has changed)


All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit your application.  Keep your user name and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission.  Also this user name and password will continue to be used for agency reporting and future applications.

  • LOGIN HERE (If you already have a user name and password)
  • CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - Recommend using your Agency Name as your User Name - watch for an email to set your password, check spam)
  • RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password)
  • LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.  Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable.

Be sure to click "SAVE DRAFT" frequently, you will be able to return and work on the application as time permits. Be sure to click "SUBMIT" when completed, you will not be able to access completed submission, but you will be sent a copy of your submission.

Applications are due by Friday, March 14th by 5 pm. Any applications submitted after this date and time will not be considered.